Blown Away


There is a new restaurant coming to town and they want to be the best around. The place is situated right on the intercoastal waterway with a spectacular view of the area. Its a two story restaurant with bright colors and great decora. They have everything they need to make an amazing atmosphere. All they need now is music. The owners came to Lumina Group Inc. and asked for help. The way the structure was built we knew what they needed. They need a speaker that could handle the most harsh salt water environment and still perform well. The best option for them was the Beat Drop Speakers from Tru Audio. We installed the speakers as the restaurant was rapidly approaching the grand opening date. Just before the opening Hurricane Ian came and began to pound Port Orange with massive rain and winds. The restaurant was not spared from the devastation of the storm. The second floor seating area had very expensive ceiling fans that were ripped from the structure and sent flying through the air. We installed 10 beat drop speakers. We were very pleased to see these Beat Drops not only survived the hurricane, they still worked perfectly. The restaurant has since opened and is a smash. The atmosphere the beat drops create is amazing the the restaurant is operating at peak capacity. Good food, good location, and good sound. Life is good!

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Crystal Kemp SVT

What an amazing story! Hurricane proof speakers when installed by the experts! Great job Rino!


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